Presenting "Sargantanes. El temps s'acaba" at Marià Villangómez Library

The Office of Culture of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce that at 7.30pm, Friday 17 February, author Antònia M. Cirer Costa and photographer Sebastià Candela will present their book Sargantanes. El temps s'acaba at Marià Villangómez Library. Marià Mayans, president of the Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs and editor of the work, will present the event.

foto 2023ii sargantanes

The 236-page book shows the Pine Islands' endemic lizard in its natural habitat, with photographs by Candela and educational texts by Cirer, who holds a PhD in biology and is a professor of social sciences.

The immensely visual work serves as a reminder that the Sargantana pitiusa is one of the Pine Islands' most beloved natural treasures and, as the only terrestrial vertebrate truly native to Eivissa and Formentera, of capital importance. The ultimate goal of the book is to raise public awareness of the risk of extinction which the lizards currently face. Among the leading causes are invasive snakes that globalised freight and shippig brought to the islands in 2003. The book is a reminder that safeguarding our local lizards is everyone's responsibility.

9 February 2023
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera