Raquel Caramazana’s “Animalario” settles into ‘Ajuntament Vell’ gallery

cartell 2021 animalarioThis 28 June, Raquel Caramazana will take to the “Ajuntament Vell” exhibition space to present Animalario: a selection of 40-some pieces crafted using an array of distinct artistic techniques.

To visitors of the Department of Culture-sponsored display, the artist presents her personal menagerie: foregrounded animals whose gestures, textures and colours offer a precious glimpse into the artist’s perspective.

Caramazana was born in the region of Bierzo and studied Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca. She now lives on Formentera, where she will display her first works in colour, plus others made with Chinese ink, a technique to which she has dedicated the last 11 years. Accompanying each illustration are curiosities about the animal pictured, with techniques spanning watercolours, oils, Chinese ink and sculpture, and different materials based on the technique employed.

Animalario is on view at “Ajuntament Vell” until 10 July, Monday to Saturday, 11.00am to 2.00pm and 7.00pm to 9.00pm (Sundays and Monday mornings, closed). An opening is scheduled for 28 June at 7.0opm.

25 June 2021
Communications Department
Consell de Formentera