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Formentera joins Offices of Justice pilot project to "accelerate and expand access to service"

foto 2022xi oficina justiciaToday in Madrid, Ana Juan, president of the Consell de Formentera, attended a presentation concerning Offices of Justice (Oficines de Justicia), a pilot project that Formentera will join which, in the words of President Juan, aims to "streamline, modernise and make the judicial service more accessible to the people of the island".

The presentation was overseen by Pilar Llop, Minister of Justice; Tontxu Rodríguez, Secretary of State for Justice, and Abel Caballero, president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). According to Minister Llop, Oficines de Justicia "arose from the need to make justice simpler, more accessible and efficient".

President Juan took part in a round table discussion with other representatives of local institutions developing the project, where she affirmed, "collaboration between local, regional and state administrations is key to being more agile. On Formentera, where we face an insularity that is twice compounded, the transformation of the Justice of the Peace [Jutjat de Pau] in Oficina de Justicia will improve the service, make it more agile and dynamic and save Formentera residents trips to Eivissa and Palma; I think it is a very exciting project for our island". In the words of the Consell de Formentera president, "a stronger, expanded service consolidates the figure of current Jutjat de Pau clerks and guarantees their content".

Oficines de Justicia will replace Jutjats de Pau, serving the needs of the public and the country's technological reality, while expanding public services on offer in all municipalities.

After the Tarassona Oficina de Justica opens in early November, Formentera's will be the next office to open. The Formentera Oficina de Justicia is being launched in coordination with the Ministry of Justice.

11 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera