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Formentera Council's “campus esportius”

foto campus estiu 1In an effort to increase the alternatives available to island youth for the approaching summer holidays, the Formentera Council department of sport is organising two sport day camps (campus esportius) at Antoni Blanc fitness centre and the municipal pool: one is called Atletisme Divertit (Fun with Athletics) and the other, Activitats Aquàtiques i Motrius, is dedicated to water activities and movement.

Enrolment in Atletisme Divertit opens Wednesday May 15 (Poliesportiu Antoni Blanc, 8.00am–9.00pm; online on OVAC). Applications will be processed in the order payment on completed applications is received. Should demand for Atletisme Divertit outstrip the space that is available, a waitlist will be started in case spots are forfeited. Would-be participants who register for both summer months will be given preference. Enrolment is not valid until the payment process is completed at the fitness centre.

Daily activities start at 9.00am and continue to 2.00pm, Monday to Friday. Early drop-off is available for families who need it between 8.00am and 9.00pm.

Atletisme Divertit begins July 1 and comes to an end August 30. It will be run by five youth workers and offer capacity for 50 children aged three to seven. Children will practice fine motor skills, arts and crafts, swimming for fun and healthy habits.

“Activitats Aquàtiques i Motrius”
Signups for Activitats Aquàtiques i Motrius (Aquatic and Motor Skill Activities) can be processed 8.00am to 9.00pm between May 27 and June 7 at the fitness centre, or online on the OVAC website. Again, the order in which applications are processed will be based on when payment on completed applications is received. Would-be participants who register for both summer months will be given preference. Enrolment is not valid until the payment process is completed at the fitness centre.

The Aquatic camp runs from 9.00am to 2.00/2.30pm, Monday to Friday, and here too, early drop-off is available—from 7.45am to 9.00am—for families that need it.

The programme, which starts July 1 and ends September 13, will be run by eight youth workers. Space is available for 80 children, born in or after 2014. The camp used to be called Synchronised Swimming, but organisers feel the new title is a better fit given activities cover a breadth of areas like aquatics and body and movement.

An activity will be staged at 7.30pm on July 27 in which parents and families can participate with their children, and an 8.00am exhibit is scheduled at the cinema on August 31.

The monthly cost of the day camps is €150 and early drop-off casts an extra €30 per month. Reduced prices are available for families with more than child enrolled, large families and children of CiF employees.

Summer schools
Enrolment for the CiF youth services department's summer school programme (escoles d'estiu), which will be held at the island's three primary schools, is scheduled for the first half of June.

May 8, 2019
Àrea de Comunicació
Formentera Council