Rights of the child, empowered families and diversity training star features of programming for Children's Day

foto dretsObservance, this November 20, of Universal Children's Day can be traced to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, two appeals for guaranteed access to sound living conditions and opportunities which promote the development and wellness of the whole child.

Formentera renews commitment as Child-Friendly City

A spearhead for related action came in the form of a recent announcement from the permanent secretary of the Child-Friendly Cities programme that Formentera's recognition in the programme, dated October 17, 2014, would be extended another four years.

A Child-Friendly municipality is one committed to application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is part of the rationale driving the Council's year-round commitment to curating programming that is cultural, educational, active, earth-conscious and fun. To celebrate Universal Children's Day this November, the Council announces a month-long activities programme put together in coordination with distinct offices of the administration.

Activities programme

Educating and empowering families is a fundamental part of protecting the rights of children. That is the premise of FERYA's presentation of “Famílies en xarxa” (Networks of families) and a discussion hosted by the Balearic Islands youth institute on online gaming.

Another pillar is the task of normalising difference in all its forms, whether functional diversity or varying gender identities. One sport-related event in particular takes up the cause of inclusiveness, while another feature of programming involves workshops at local schools so pupils can discuss issues like sexual and gender diversity.

Schools and families play critical roles, too, on one thing in particular: protecting the environment. All November long, pupils from across the island will take part in a project called Plàstic Zero, in which sand samples are collected from different beaches and scanned for plastics, an invitation to discussion as for possible solutions.

Programming even covers leisure—a manga workshop, ImproXoc (a stage production) and “Escape Room” all take place at the Casal de Joves. There's also "Cada pollo con su rollo" and gymkhanas in the Sant Ferran school playground; fitness activities (a trek across La Mola with Walking Formentera, a family day at Antoni Blanc sports centre, and inclusive, accessible sport activities, also in the school courtyard); cultural fare like Improaventures and documentary Camino a la escuela in Biblioteca Marià Villangómez and, at the cinema, the most recent L'Illa a Escena production, Safari.