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Regulació Estany des Peix


"Capital for Formentera" – Ana Juan asks Armengol to approve maritime transport order

foto 2022 visita armengol CbToday Ana Juan, President of the Consell de Formentera, along with cabinet councillors, met Francina Armengol, the regional premier, to review the strategic projects being developed this term on Formentera and those that are pending and in the pipeline.

First, President Juan stressed "the good understanding" between the municipal and regional administrations, and "coordination around policies with considerable local impact". Juan wanted the cabinet to be present at the meeting so they could learn first-hand about the projects. "We told the premier that, for Formentera, the maritime transport order is essential this term", she said, insisting the decree must affect "not only the regular line but also day trips". She also underscored the importance of "guarantees on islander mobility", and asserted that "service minimums and maximums be respected". Juan also asked the chief of the Balearic government to "act as a go-between for the distinct administrations involved in regulating maritime transport and restructuring the port".

For her part, Francina Armengol underlined the joint work between the Govern and the Consell over the last seven years. She also made assurances that the regional government had already "practically completed the maritime transport order" and that it would reflect local demands. She drew attention to "fundamental" investments in education, social services and health. Armengol announced that on Monday the government commission would lay the groundwork for IbSalut to bid to build a permanent 061 emergency response base on Formentera. After the meeting, Juan and Armengol visited the haemodialysis service works, which started this year.

4 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera welcomes comedy "Balada de la Garsa Vella", next Saturday 12 March at the Sala de Cultura

The Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to report that next week, Balada de la Garsa Vella, a play written by Bernat Joan i Marí and directed by Àngels Martínez, will be performed on Formentera. Pedro Cañestro Theatre will present the show next Saturday 12 March at 8.30pm in the Sala de Cultura (Cinema), part of L'Illa a Escena.

Balada de la Garsa Vella is a celebration of life through the performing arts. Life and theatre, theatre and music, music and movement, movement and spirit blend voluptuously on stage.

The protagonists –Laura and Dàlia (a former contortionist and an ageing cabaret singer, both long retired); Rosa (a retired actress); Enric (a retired amateur actor who lives on his earnings from rental properties) and Jaume Prunaseca (stage name Romeu, a former successful actor who summons them)– are joined by an enigmatic clown and a pianist at a party which is organised by the guest of honour himself. Each will try to give his/her best on stage, to uncertain effect.

Meanwhile the Hippy Grim Reaper will be following things closely, watching out for unsuspecting prey. His presence will prevent neither party nor unexpected plot twist.

Eivissa-born writer Bernat Joan i Marí has published novels, youth fiction, short stories and plays such as: El Gegant des Vedrà (Eivissa, 1993), Marc Ferrer: Formentera, la Nova Terra (Eivissa, 1996), Jocs de Matances (Eivissa, 2012) and more. Other work includes stage adaptations for the Eivissa Arts i Oficis theatre group of Lisístrata (Aristofànes) and, based on Aristophanes's Assemblywomen and performed by the Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs theatre group, Assamblea 3.0.

Àngels Martínez studied acting at the Escola d'Arts i Oficis from 1990 to 1995 with Pedro Cañestro and at the Antonio Cantos Escola d'Art Dramàtic from 1999 to 2004. Other theatrical works have included Tirano Banderas, Revolta de bruixes, El zoo de cristal, La casa de Bernarda Alba, Bodas de sangre and more. She has also participated at theatre festivals in the Balearic Islands and Technis Theatre's international festival in London.


Tickets are available on www.entradesformentera.cat for €7. Unemployed individuals, under-employed freelancers, retirees, under25s and single-parent and large families receive a 50% discount.

The function will be hosted in line with health and safety protocol and in compliance with current guidelines.

4 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 GARSA VELLA

'Talks for families and teachers' address teen drug use

Alícia Bustos, a psychologist and university expert on drug addiction prevention, will present "What if my son or daughter takes drugs?". Part of the 'Talks for Families and Teachers' series, the lecture will be held on Thursday 10 March at 5.00pm in the auditorium next to the Formentera Day Centre (Centre de Dia de Formentera).

Reservations must be made in advance by calling 971 321 271 or emailing educaciosocial@conselldeformentera.cat. A babysitting service will also be available during the event.

4 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 xerrades A Bustos

COPT approves Formentera's Tourism Promotion Plan for 2022

foto 2022 COPTYesterday Alejandra Ferrer, Vice-President of the Consell de Formentera and Councillor of Tourism Promotion and Planning, and Carlos Bernús, Head of Promotion, participated in a new meeting of the Commission for Tourism Promotion and Planning (Comissió d'Ordenació i Promoció Turística, COPT). This commission is also made up of local tourism industry representatives like the Hotel Association of Formentera, the Chamber of Commerce, the Small- and Medium-Sized Business Group (PIMEF), Conferation of Business Groups in the Balearics (CAEB), travel agencies and political parties.

On 9 February the body met and presented the draft Tourism Promotion Plan for 2022, and yesterday they approved the document. Ferrer insisted that, as in recent years given COVID-19 and uncertainty around Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the document would be "flexible".

The Vice-President and Councillor of Tourism praised COPT representatives' "collaboration in drawing up this roadmap, which puts special emphasis on diversifying markets and products and on promoting the island in the pre- and post-season".

The document highlights two proposals for the regional and central administrations on promotion, quality and training, as well as proposals on specific promotional campaigns, events and activities to reinforce various products with a special focus on gastronomy, nature and sport.

This document also envisions plans for Formentera's participation in tourism fairs and promotional events and presentations in 2022. "This year most of the events will return to their usual spot on the calendar", said Ferrer, who asserted that, in general, "events will be at the beginning and end of the season to help boost employment during these months".

4 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

New flour mill brings Farmers' Co-op one step closer to reviving island's agricultural sector

foto 2022 moli fariner A1Today Ana Juan, President of the Consell de Formentera, and Josep Marí, Councillor of Rural Affairs, attended a presentation before media representatives of the new flour mill of the Formentera Farmers' Co-operative (Cooperativa del Camp, CCF) that was given by CCF president Marcos Ribas and manager Carlos Marí.

Ribas expressed his satisfaction with the opening of the flour mill, which "will mean the CCF and our associates can start processing our own grains for quality, edible flours and take them to market". "This way", said Ribas, "we improve the agricultural sector and incentivise new producers".

The flour mill cost €27,000 and the civil works to instal it cost €52,000 (both with VAT included), with funding provided by the CCF. A handmade stone and wood mill manufactured in Austria, the flour mill ensures that the properties of grain are preserved during milling.

Carlos Marí pointed out that flour would be the CCF's first processed product intended for human consumption. He described it as "a select flour with an organic quality seal that will provide added value for farmers, who can get a better return on the grain they grow".

For her part, President Juan praised the CCF "for having started up this mill, which will make it possible to obtain Formentera's traditional xeixa flour, which can then be used at bakeries and restaurants on the island for bread and more". Josep Marí, Councillor of Rural Affairs, said the new infrastructure would serve as an outlet for all the grain produced on the island as part of the CCF-led push in recent years. This year local farmers have already harvested 35,000 kilogrammes of xeixa and 22,000 kg of barley.

The CCF has said this project will help achieve the following objectives:
• Encourage islanders to eat local.
• Adapt the food distribution chain for local production and consumption. Minimise the environmental footprint of transport.
• Offer islanders a quality product with organic certification.
• Promote traditional agricultural products like xeixa wheat, mollar wheat, native barley and oats. The mill will also be a sounding board for publicising traditional flour, and will be open to the public.
• Promote xeixa flour in bakeries and restaurants.

3 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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