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Regulació Estany des Peix


This March Pimef and Consell offer companies and workers six free training courses

The Formentera Office of Commerce is pleased to announce that the series of free courses organised by the island's association of entrepreneurs, Pimef, and subsidised by the Consell, will start 21 March. The aim of 'Fent Pimef' is to provide companies and staff with training and consulting as well as technological, information and communication resources to develop and enhance viability.

The 2022 course offering:
III Photography for Businesses. 21, 23, 24 and 28 March. In person at the Pimef office.
How to Incorporate Equality Into Your Business. 22 March. Online.
Leadership and Teamwork. 24 and 25 March. Online.
Customer Service, Communication and Sales. 28 and 29 March Online.
Complementary Currencies: Theory and Practice. 29 March. In person at the Pimef office.
Revenue Management for Hotels. 30 and 31 March. Online.

In the words of Ana Juan, President of the Consell and Councillor of Commerce, "these courses help small entrepreneurs on the island to improve their skills". She highlighted the course on equality and insisted that "incorporating equality across the board" was both "a source of satisfaction" and "an imperative": "Equality is increasingly present in the business world and, therefore, in society".

For her part Pimef Manager Lidia Álvarez affirmed, "We are pleased to continue offering companies and workers necessary and important training so SMEs can continue to grow and offer quality services and products on Formentera". Interested parties can register by calling 971 32 25 20 or sending an email to info@pimef.es. Space is limited.

11 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 cursos pimef

'Ajuntament Vell' and 'Far de la Mola' welcome "A Collection of Contemporary Art III. Painting and Others", from the collection of Catalina Verdera

foto 2022 art contempo III BThe Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to announce that the Sala d'Exposicions "Ajuntament Vell" will host A Collection of Contemporary Art III: Painting and Others from 14 March to 2 April. The second and third parts of this series will be shown at "Far de la Mola" Cultural and Educational Space from 15 March to 1 October.

A Collection of Contemporary Art highlights works taken from the collection of Catalina Verdera Ribas and is curated by Manolo Oya through Trampolí Mecànic, a cultural association. This is the third instalment of the exhibition.

Primarily focused on painting, A Collection of Contemporary Art also incorporates drawings, graphic works and objects. Featured artists represent a mix of local names, former residents and others who hold the Pine Islands dear. The 42 artists, among them Narcís Puget, Antoni Marí Portmany, Rafael Tur Costa, Enric Riera Tur, Erwin Broner, Toni Cardona Cardona, Helena Belzer, Antoni Tàpies, Carmen Calvo and Jaume Plensa, take visitors on a journey through the history of contemporary art on Eivissa and Formentera. Other featured artists are individuals with whom Catalina Verdera has maintained a relationship as a gallery owner and collector.

Monday 14 March at 7.00pm at Sala d'Exposicions "Ajuntament Vell".
Tuesday 15 March at 12.00 noon at "Far de la Mola" cultural and educational space.
Hours at Sala d'Exposicions "Ajuntament Vell": 11.00am to 2.00pm and 6.00pm to 8.00pm (closed on Sundays, holidays and Monday mornings).
Hours at "Far de la Mola" cultural and educational space: 10.00am to 2.00pm (closed on Sundays, holidays and Mondays).

11 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 expo art contempo III

Formentera promoted as a sustainable destination in Berlin

foto 2022 ITBThe Formentera Office of Tourism will promote the island this week, 8 to 10 March, at the Berlin ITB, a tourism trade fair which will be held online. This morning Carlos Bernús, Chief of Tourism Promotion, joined representatives of the other island councils at the Palma Congress Centre to log in for "Balearic Islands: Experience and New Opportunities".

The roundtable gathering found Bernús speaking to members of the industry and niche media outlets about Formentera's credentials as a "sustainable island with pioneering projects like formentera.eco, which regulates incoming vehicles, and Save Posidonia Project". Bernús observed that both initiatives were of interest to travelers that care about environmental measures, and pointed out that Germany in particular "is home to the fourth largest number of Formentera's visitors".

"As a destination, Formentera is more than sustainable, it is also ideal for families and nature lovers", said Bernús, who highlighted "our offer in the low season months: nature, bird-watching and heritage routes, plus culture, sport and fine dining".

Summer forecast
"We are not yet aware of any cancellations due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine", said Bernús, who asserted, "Logically, war and conflict generate uncertainty around the approaching tourist season and that can have repercussions on prices, our visitors' spending and, consequently, on reservations. So once again, as in the past two years of COVID, the sector will have to be flexible".

10 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Participatory and political committees gather for island strategy on drugs, screens and games

foto 2022 pla droguesToday the participatory committee met to address Formentera's Island Plan on Drugs, Screens and Games, which is being prepared by the Formentera Office of Social Welfare (Conselleria de Benestar Social, CBSF), and the political committee will convene tomorrow. The goal, according to Rafael Ramírez, Councillor of Social Welfare, is a "clearer picture of the population and the engagement of political groups". This plan is currently being prepared and will set out strategies and actions over the next four years for education, family, leisure and community.

Supported by Fundación Salud y Comunidad, a participation-based committee is essential for a realistic diagnosis and, above all, compliance with the plan once it is implemented by all stakeholders. The committee is made up of technical personnel from a variety of areas and administrations and members of the general public. Efforts have also been made to include youth organisations and other groups and individuals that are closely related to the subject. As part of the initiative, surveys were administered among islanders at large and teens at Marc Ferrer High School to shine a light on respondents' experiences with substances and technology.

Political committee

Tomorrow the committee formed by Ana Juan, President of the Consell, a secretary and members of political parties with representation in the Consell de Formentera plenary, will gather for the first time since the plan has been under development. This committee, as highlighted by Councillor Ramírez, "will highlight limits and potentialities whilst the plan is being developed and seek to address proposals in the final document to secure political backing".

9 March 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

El Formentera Jazz Festival se celebrarà entre el 2 i 5 de juny i torna al seu format habitual d'abans de la pandèmia

El Consell de Formentera, a través de les àrees de Turisme i Cultura, informa que el Formentera Jazz Festival ja ha anunciat les dates de la vuitena edició, que tendrà lloc del 2 al 5 de juny de 2022. Després de dos edicions híbrides, amb format presencial i telemàtic, el festival torna a les dates i format habitual.

Aquesta nova edició, el Formentera Jazz Festival torna al format prepandèmia i es reafirma en l'objectiu de connectar el públic amb la naturalesa i la màgia de l'illa a través de la música en viu. El Formentera Jazz Festival continua apostant per mostrar la intersecció del jazz amb diferents gèneres musicals, incentiva de nou el talent internacional, nacional, així com el local de les Illes Balears.

En aquest sentit, la vicepresidenta i consellera de Turisme, Alejandra Ferrer, ha explicat que "des del Consell s'impulsa aquest esdeveniment a principi de temporada per presentar als visitants una oferta cultural de qualitat, allunyada del sol i platja, i de la qual també poden gaudir els residents". A més de la perspectiva lúdica del festival, Alejandra Ferrer ha destacat "el seu vessant de conscienciació sobre la sostenibilitat".

Per la seua part, la consellera de Cultura, Susana Labrador ha explicat que "després de dos anys de pandèmia que no ha permès un festival amb concerts a la plaça de la Constitució de Sant Francesc, ens fa molta il·lusió que per l'edició d'enguany puguem presentar novament un Formentera Jazz Festival totalment presencial i recuperant aquest indret com a escenari principal".

"Com es pot veure al cartell, enguany la imatge del festival porta la vestimenta icònica de Formentera, per simbolitzar la mescla de tradició i innovació que fa que l'illa sigui tan màgica, única i singular. Un paral·lelisme a l'univers del jazz i les seues interseccions amb altres músiques, que és el valor fundacional que promou el Formentera Jazz Festival", segons ha explicat Maxwell Wright, director del FJF.

El Formentera Jazz Festival va néixer el 2015 de la mà del Consell Insular de Formentera com una trobada musical oberta a l'univers del jazz, amb l'afany d'oferir varietat quant al gènere, a la diversitat i a la procedència internacional. Pròximament, s'informarà sobre la programació del FJF de 2022 al web www.formenterajazzfestival.info. De moment, els amants d'aquest gènere musical ja es poden reservar les dates.

10 de març de 2022
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 fjf CA

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